姓 名: | 孔丹宇 | 研 究 組: | 經(jīng)濟植物研究組 |
職 務(wù): | 研究組長 | 職 稱: | 研究員 |
通訊地址: | 廬山植物園南昌分園溪霞科研中心 | ||
郵政編碼: | 330000 | 電子郵箱: | kongdy@lsbg.cn |
姓 名: | 孔丹宇 |
研 究 組: | 經(jīng)濟植物研究組 |
職 務(wù): | 研究組長 |
職 稱: | 研究員 |
通訊地址: | 廬山植物園南昌分園溪霞科研中心 |
郵政編碼: | 330000 |
電子郵箱: | kongdy@lsbg.cn |
2002年-2009年 中國科學(xué)院遺傳與發(fā)育生物學(xué)研究所 博士
1998年-2002年 河北師范大學(xué) 學(xué)士
2020-至今 中國科學(xué)院廬山植物園 項目組長
2018年-2020年 海南大學(xué) 教師
2013年-2015年 美國弗吉尼亞理工大學(xué) 研究助理
2011年-2013年 美國佛羅里達州立大學(xué) 博士后
2009年-2011年 美國田納西州立大學(xué) 博士后
1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金地區(qū)基金,2023-2026
2. 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,2019-2022
3. 江西省“千人計劃”創(chuàng)新領(lǐng)軍人才長期項目
4. 九江市“雙百雙千”高精尖引領(lǐng)計劃人才項目
5. 番茄優(yōu)異種質(zhì)篩選與改良橫向項目
Theoretical and Applied Genetics (TAG)審稿專家
1. Kong, D., Khan, S., Wu,Hui., Liu,Y.,Ling,H-Q.(2022) Biofortification of iron and zinc in rice and wheat. J. Integr.Plant Biol. 64: 1157–1167.
2. Zhao,S., Kong, D., Xin, P.,Chu, J.,Wan, Y., Ling,H-Q.Liu,Y.(2022) AtCPS V326M significantly affect the biosynthesis of gibberellins. 44:245-252.
3. Liu,Y., Kong, D., Yang,H, Douxchamps,S., Atieno, M., Xu,B.,Wang.W., Liu, G.(2022) A Transcriptomic Analysis of Stylo [Stylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw.] Provides Novel Insights Into the Basis of Salinity Tolerance. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2022.725656
4. Liu, Y.*, Kong, D.*, Wu H., Ling, H-Q. (2021) Iron in plant–pathogen interactions. J Exp Bot. 72; 2114-2124
5. Liu, Y., Wang, K., Cheng, Q., Kong, D., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Wang, Q., Xie, Q., Yan, J., Chu, J., Ling, H-Q., Li, Q., Miao, J., Zhao, B. (2020)Cysteine protease RD21A regulated by E3 ligase SINAT4 is required for drought-induced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot. 71:5562-5576.
6. Kong, D., Hao, Y., Cui H. (2016) The WUSCHEL Related Homeobox Protein WOX7 Regulates the Sugar Response of Lateral Root Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Plant. 9:261 270.
7. Kong, D., Chen, C., Wu, H., Li, Y., Li, J, Ling, H-Q. (2013) Sequence Diversity and Enzyme Activity of Ferric Chelate Reductase LeFRO1 in Tomato. J Genet Genomics. 40:565 573
8. Kong, D., Karve, R., Willet A., Chen M., Oden J., Shpak, E.D. (2012) Regulation of plasmodesmatal permeability and stomatal patterning by a glycosyltransferase-like protein KOBITO1. Plant Physiol. 159:156-168
9. Kong, D., Zhu, Y., Wu, H., Cheng, X., Liang, H., Ling, H-Q. (2008) AtTHIC, a gene involved in thiamine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis Cell Res. 18:566 576
10. Zhao, C., Lasses, T., Bako L., Kong, D., Zhao, B., Chanda. B, Bombarely A., Cruz-Ramírez, A.Scheres, B, Brunner A.M. and Beers E.P. (2017) XYLEM NAC DOMAIN1, an angiosperm NAC transcription factor, inhibits xylem differentiation through conserved motifs that interact with RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED. New Phytol. 216 :76 89
12. Liu Y., Miao J., Traore, S., Kong, D., Liu Y., Zhang, X., Nimchuk, Z.L., Liu, Z. and Zhao,B. (2016)SacBSacR gene cassette as the negative selection marker to suppress agrobacterium overgrowth in agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation . Front MolBiosci. 3: 70.
13. Cui H., Kong, D., Wei P., Hao, Y., Torii, K.U., Lee. J., Li J. (2014) SPINDLY, ERECTA, and its ligand STOMAGEN have a role in redox mediated cortex proliferation in the arabidopsis root. Mol Plant. 7:1727 1739
14. Cui, H., Kong, D., Liu, X., Hao,Y. (2014) SCARECROW, SCR-like 23 and SHORT-like 23 and SHORT-ROOT control bundle sheath cell fate and function in ROOT control bundle sheath cell fate and function in Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant J. 78:31978:319—332727
15. Cui, H., Hao, Y., Kong, D. (2012) SCARECROW has a SHORT-ROOT-Independent role in modulating the Sugar Response. Plant Physiol. 158: 1769-1778
16. Wu, H., Ji, Y, Du J., Kong, D., Liang, H. and Ling, H-Q. (2010) ClpC1, an ATP-dependent Clp protease in plastids, is involved in iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis leaves. Ann Bot.105:823—833
下一篇Arvind Bhatt