
4.研究員崗位應具有5年以上工作經(jīng)驗并以第一作者或通訊作者身份在SCI Top10%刊物上發(fā)表過高水平研究論文(一般應在4篇及以上),并主持多項科研項目或取得過重大應用性創(chuàng)新科技成果。副研究員崗位應具有2年以上工作經(jīng)驗并以第一作者或通訊作者身份在SCI收錄的國際期刊上公開發(fā)表較高水平的研究論文(一般應在3篇及以上),并主持省級及以上科研項目(一項及以上);助理研究員崗位應具有博士學位并以第一作者或通訊作者身份身份在SCI收錄的國際期刊上公開發(fā)表較高水平的研究論文(一般應在2篇及以上)。
Lushan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research positions available
Lushan Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences is now seeking applicants for a number of research positions available.
Lushan Botanical Garden founded in 1934, a prestigious botanical institution in botany, ecology, and other plant science related research, as well as plant conservation and garden based research. The garden aims to meet the major scientific and technological needs of constructing national ecological civilization and economic and social development of Jiangxi Province, currently through integrating the innovative resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Jiangxi Province. The garden is committed to becoming a world-class, multidisciplinary botanical garden that focuses on plant research, conservation, and public education. It also aims to contribute to a "Jiangxi model" of Eco China. The scientific research currently focuses on regional flora of Central and Eastern China, ex situ plant conservation, forest ecology, lakes/wetland aquatic plant biology and germplasm discovery and genetic improvement of useful plants, etc.
Five Research Centers and 24 research groups have been reorganized at Lushan Garden under newly established Lushan Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences, integrated with exist Lushan Botanical Garden affiliated with Jiangxi Provincial and Chinese Academy of Sciences. We are delighted to announce research job positions available and warmly invite applications worldwide.
1. Resource plants research Center
1) Research Group_ Seed biology
Contact information: Arvind Bhatt (;
Jing Long (;
2) Research Group_ Plant genetic improvement and germplasm innovation
Contact information: Jing Long (;
3) Research Group_Economic plants
Contact information: Danyu Kong (; Jing Long (;
4) Research Group_ Plant physiology
Contact information: Fen Liu (; Jing Long (
5) Research Group_ Plant epigenetics and development
Contact information: Ralf Müller-Xing (;
Jing Long (;
6) Research Group_Plant molecular genetics
Contact information: Jing Long (;
7) Research Group_ AI tech agriculture
Contact information: Jing Long (
2. Lake and Wetland Research Center
1) Research Group_ Biology of aquatic plants;
Contact information: Jing Long (
2) Research Group_ Aquatic-terrestrial ecotone
Contact information: Jing Long (
3) Research Group_ Lake and wetland ecology and restoration;
Contact information: Jing Long (
4) Research Group-Physiology and biochemistry of aquatic plants;
Contact information: Jing Long (
5) Research Group_ Germplasm and breeding of aquatic plants
Contact information: Jing Long (
6) Curator: Germplasm repository of aquatic plants
Contact information: Jing Long (
3. Ecological and Environment Research Center
1) Research Group_ Forest Ecology;
Contact information: Jing Long
2) Research Group_ Ecosystem ecology
Contact information: Xin xiong (; Jing Long (;
3) Research Group_ Ecological process and environmental changes
Contact information: Jing Long (;
4) Research Group_ Global change biology
Contact information: Jing Long (;
5) Research Group_ Restoration ecology
Contact information: Jing Long (;
6) Research Group_ Plant-microbe interactions
Contact information: Xiaokun Liu; Jing Long
4. Plant Diversity Research Center
1) Research Group_ Bryophytes;
Contact information: Yu Sun (; Jing Long (
2) Research Group_ Angiosperm
Contact information: Jing Long (;
3) Research Group_Gymnosperm
Contact information: Jing Long (;
4) Research Group_ Pteridophyte
Contact information: Jing Long (;
5) Research Group_Conservation genetics
Contact information: Chen Feng (; Jing Long (;
6) Research Group_Plant Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics
Contact information: Mingkun Huang (;
Jing Long (;
7) Research Group_ Paleobotany
Contact information: Yiming Cui (; Jing Long (
8) Research Group_Vegetation succesion
Contact information: Jing Long (;
5. Medicinal Plant Research Center
1) Research Group_ Secondary metabolism of medicinal Plants
Contact information: Zongxia Yu (;
Jing Long (;
2) Research Group_ Medicinal plants
Contact information: Yi Liu (; Jing Long (
3) Research Group_ Traditional Chinese medicine
Contact information: Chunsong Cheng (;
Jing Long (
4) Research Group_ Genetics and breeding of novel medicinal plants
Contact information: Chunsong Cheng (;
Jing Long (;
5) Research Group_GAP of herbal medicine crops
Contact information: Jing Long (;
6. Living plant collection curation
Contact information: Jing Long (;
1) Rhododendron living collection
2) Gymnosperm living collection
3) Type specimen living plant collection
4) Crassulaceae living collection
5) Living collections of endangered plants
6) Living collections of medicinal plants
7) Arboretum living collections
Qualifications and/or Experience:
Group PI:
l Doctorate in Biology, Botany, Ecology, Horticulture or related field in plant sciences required.
l Must be an associate professor or professor of university or equivalent position of research institutes.
l Must be able to manage a research group and conduct independent research project.
l An international recognized record of scientific publications.
l Minimum three (3) years progressive experience in original research or relevant working experience.
l Demonstrated ability in successful grant writing and research project management.
l Previous PI position experience preferred
Group Member:
l Doctorate in Biology, Botany, Ecology, Horticulture or related field in plant sciences required.
l Adequate scientific publications.
l Demonstrated ability in grant writing and conducting research projects.
Remuneration Package
We provide competitive salary, plus incentives of Jiangxi provincial Talent Program and Jiujiang City Talent Program.
Application procedure
Those interested must provide a curriculum vitae, application form (see attached), copies of ID card (passport), degree and/ or job title certificates, and/ or employment (appointment) document; a list of qualifications and publications. They must be sent by email or express mail to the address below.
Review of candidate materials will begin immediately and the qualified candidates will be notified and invited for an interview. The candidates are required to prepare a 15-20 minute presentation (PowerPoint presentation required) and the interview process will be conducted by an appointed search committee.
All inquiries, applications and nominations should be directed to:
Lushan botanical garden, NO.9 Zhiqing Road, Lushan, 330000, Jiangxi, China
Tel: +86-792-8755886
Fax: +86-792-8755886
Please contact us to obtain the application form.